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About Us

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I started my journey into music in my sophomore year in high school. Myself and a buddy of mine got this crazy idea to buy some DJ equipment and try to make some extra cash. We started out with a very cheap mixer, one professional turntable, one very unprofessional turntable, my home stereo tuner and speakers and an old lighting effect that consisted of a light bulb that shined through a rotating disc that had 4 different colored lenses that my great grandmother used at Christmas time. Not exactly high tech but all that and a few milk crate full of records and we were off and running. Our first  "gig" was a birthday party for a friend in a small dumpy hall that her parents rented. Even though we had horrible equipment and no experience we rocked that party and made a few buck doing so. Well after that first gig I was hooked and new I wanted to pursue this career further. My buddy, on the other hand, lost interest once a girlfriend came into the picture.


So here I was, in high school, working a part time job that paid very little, wanting to be a DJ but not having the funds to purchase the professional equipment needed. Luckily I had made some great friends in my junior year that were interested in DJing with me. We all worked as much as we could and started purchasing decent gear. When we finally had everything we needed to DJ bigger jobs minus a power amp. Our principle was a friend of the family and I talked him into letting us DJ one of the school dances. This was our big shot! I rented a power amp from our local music shop and we set everything up and was ready to rock the house. Unfortunately things didn't go quite as planned. About an hour into our gig the amp blew and our sound went dead. We tried to get things back up and running but to no avail. I ran home and got my trusty home tuner and speakers and salvaged what was left of the night. Needless to say it was a total embarrassment for us. I swore that I would put everything I had, both effort and financially, into redeeming my name.


After taking a few months off, I saved enough money to purchase reliable equipment and put together a system I could depend on. Not top of the line by any means but something I could work with and that would help me upgrade my system over the years. After playing another gig for our high school and rocking the roof off we quickly became known as the Schools go to DJ's and as our reputation got around business picked up and before you know it we became very busy. Once I started making some real money I decided it was time to run with the big boys.


A friend of the family owned a pro audio shop and  sat down with him one day and told him I wanted to invest in some professional gear. I said I wanted the same gear he installed in nightclubs and rented to bands playing professional concerts. Once I put together the ultimate sound system I did the same for a light show. I loved lighting and study what the local night clubs had so I could run the same ones. With a lot of hard work, help from my friends and a ton of money (LOL) I got to be known as one of the best DJ's in the state and was even buying other DJ's out because I was putting them out of business. By the time I decided to hang up my headphones for a career in law enforcement, I had 2 professional sound systems, 2 night club level light shows, 4 good friends that worked with me and helped me get to this point and just shy of 2 decades of providing the best quality entertainment for clients throughout New England.....


While pursuing my career in law enforcement I found that I missed entertaining and most of all, the music. Listening to it on the radio wasn't enough. After all, music was in my blood. So after many years of sitting on the sidelines I decided to put the headphones back on and get to work. Now I will admit, there was quite the learning curve. After all times have changed and technology has come a long way. Gone are the days of carrying heavy milk crates full of records, humongous speakers and equally as large audio racks full of power amps and processing gear. Today, everything is compact and streamlined but the one thing that hasn't changed is the people. When people hire a DJ they are trusting in that person to make sure there event, whatever that may be, is fun and successful. That's a service I've always provided to my clients in the past and it's the same level of service I provide to them today. My former business, A Touch Of Class, was successful because of what I offered and how I treated my clients and even though I have a new, rebranded look and name, my team and I continue to provide the highest level of service to our clients.


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us and we look forward to helping you make your event a success!!!



Jay Palazzo

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